Saturday, 8 September 2012

Baby Photo Shoot for Essex Mother & Baby show 2012

Vote for Fraser - but you have to follow the link as only likes to his photo directly on the Essex Mother and Baby show count!

Fraser is a semi finalist to be the face of the show and if his photo gets the most likes (it HAS to be the one on the Essex Mother & Baby Show page on Facebook, NOT here)  he will win £250 to spend at the show. Well his Mummy will ;-)

Obviously I am biased as I photographed him, but he is a little cutie :-) The competition closes this Monday September 10th at 5 p.m. Thank you!


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Model search! For a fun baby shoot with a difference :-)

I am seeking two cute babies up to the age of 8 months - in other words still happy to sit :-) Free session and NO obligation to do anything else. I need examples of hipstimatic/instragram baby photos to illustrate a piece I am writing for the Essex Baby Show to demonstrate how to take great photos of your baby on your phone using some of the apps available.


This won't be a standard shoot, but it will be fun and as I use these apps a lot for personal work so I'm confident of some quirky results. There's an example of one above from a recent trip to the beach with friends.


If you are interested please call 01279 433392. Shoots will take place this Friday September 7th at 2.30 p.m. and I'll need about an hour of your time. You must be happy for the photos to be used publicly including on the web.

